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Excellence in Teaching and Learning with Technology Award

The Excellence in Teaching and Learning with Technology Award is made possible through the generosity of Cengage Learning. This award is presented to one individual who demonstrates excellence in using technology to enhance post-secondary instruction in agriculture.


  • Applicants must hold a current membership in NACTA or must join NACTA by January 15th of the award year to be eligible. Applicants who are not paid NACTA members by January 15th will be ineligible to receive the award and will not have their applications reviewed.
  • Nominee must be on full-time appointment involving at least 25% teaching.
  • Award recipients are expected to attend the NACTA Conference in order to received their award. There is no funding for travel associated with this award.

Criteria for Applications

  • A cover page, which should include the following information:
    • Name, title, professional address, telephone number, e-mail address of the nominator;
    • Name, title, professional address, telephone number, e-mail address of the nominee;
    • "Excellence in Teaching and Learning with Technology Award Nomination" should be included on the cover page; 
  • Cover letter addressed to the Chair of the Teacher Recognition Committee, written by either the nominator or nominee, addressing the following:
    • Evidence of a current, active NACTA membership for at least two of the past three years.
    • Evidence of teaching appointment involving at least 25% teaching for at least two of the past three years. A statement by an academic administrative officer will suffice.
  • An essay by the nominee describing the integration and use of technology to support effective teaching and learning in a specific course offered on-campus or via distance education. This must not exceed five pages.
  • A statement of about the impact of technology integration on student learning, student motivation, and student creativity in the classroom.
  • Completed Teacher Evaluation form from three current/former students who are currently enrolled or have completed the technologically enhanced course.
  • A completed Administrative Officer Evaluation form from an administrator directly related to the nominee's teaching activities that specifically discussed the nominee's utilization of technology in their teaching.
  • A completed Peer Evaluation form from a faculty peer discussing the nominee's utilization of technology in their teaching.
  • Samples of course materials reflecting the integration of technology in a specific course (such as excerpts from syllabi, assignments, projects, student portfolios, links to course content, audio or video materials, etc), limited to 5 pages.
  • A self-evaluation from the nominee on the following:
    • Considerations in the integration of technology specific to their course,
    • Outcomes of the technologically enhanced course as compared to other courses delivered using more traditional pedagogy,
    • Scholarly activities and professional development specific to technology integration, 
    • Challenges that have been encountered specific to technology integration and how they have been addressed,
    • Future plans for technology integration efforts, 
    • Departmental, college, and university efforts specific to technology integration, and/or mentorship of other faculty members in technology integration.
  • A description of the nominee's most memorable teaching experience.
  • Nominee's resume/CV, limited to 4-pages total.

Materials must be submitted via the online form by January 15 at 11:59pm ET.

Special Instructions
Awardees are expected to be present at the NACTA Annual Conference to receive their award. A consent of nomination implies that the nominee has an intention and, if selected for an award, will attend the conference. 

A professional photograph and short biography (not to exceed 150 words) of each award recipient should be included in the nomination form. The photo and biography will be included in the NACTA Awards Booklet for the conference.

It is expected that the winner of this award will submit an abstract for a future NACTA Conference presentation on the innovative use of technology in their teaching.

Submission Information
For each nominee, upload one single PDF file that includes all nomination materials (all documents, letters of support, teaching evaluations and other relevant documents) on the electronic submission form by 11:59 PM on January 15.

We will only accept one PDF file for each nomination, and will not combine your materials into one file if you upload multiple files for each nominee. Evaluations of all nominees will be conducted electronically by past award winners.

Recipient(s) will be recognized at the Annual NACTA Conference and will receive a plaque.

Deadline for Submission
All nomination materials must be received by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on January 15. If you have questions or difficulties with submitting your nomination, please reach out to us via

1014 6th Ave
Huntington, WV 25701


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